Plessy v. Ferguson

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“Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.” Said Justice John Marshall Harlan in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. (“Oyez, Oyez, Oh Yay!”) In 1890 Louisiana surprisingly got the ability to pass a law called the Separate Car Act that said that all railroad companies that carried passengers must provide separate but equal services for both white and non-white passengers. (“Landmark Cases”) The penalty for sitting in a white-designated railroad car when you were not of that ethnicity was a fine of twenty-five dollars or twenty days in jail. (“Landmark Cases”) There was a doctrine passed that everything was “separate but equal.” This doctrine was false however because in almost all situations the facilities were not as good for the blacks as the facilities used by the whites. This doctrine was not thrown into full force until after the court case “Plessy v. Ferguson.” (Wormer)

In 1883 the Supreme Court did not allow the 1875 Act to be passed because they believed that the 14th Amendment did not give congress the right to stop racial discrimination by individuals. People that were struggling with racial discrimination were to find help from their own states. Sadly, many of the states were going along with cases that agreed with the separation of different races. When the bill proposing separate cars for the railroads came to Louisiana in 1890 it was highly protested by the blacks living in that state. Unfortunately, the law was passed. After the Separate Car Act d a group of black citizens joined together and formed the “Citizens’ Committee to Test the Constitutionality of the Separate Car Law.” They hired a lawyer and on May 15, 1892 the State Supreme Court agreed that the law was...

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...ty to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Works Cited

LRE , . "Plessy V. Ferguson." Oyez, Oyez, Oh Yay!. State Bar of Texas, 2011. Web. 27 Oct 2011. .

"Plessy V. Ferguson "Seperate but Equal," Equal Protection." Landmark Cases. Street Law, Inc. and The Supreme Court Historical Society, 2010. Web. 4 Nov 2011. .

"Rosa Parks." Academy of Achievment . Catherine Reynolds Foundation, 23 Sept 2011. Web. 29 Oct 2011.

Wormser, Richard. "Plessy V. Ferguson." Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002. Web. 29 Oct 2011. .

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