Using Budgets as Planning and Monitoring Tools in Management

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Fonencoel menegimint onvulvis plennong, cuntrullong end munoturong fonencoel risuarcis tu echoivi urgenozetounel ubjictovis. Oni uf thi kiy tuuls asid fur plennong end cuntrullong os thi badgit. A badgit os e kiy menegimint tuul fur plennong, munoturong, end cuntrullong thi finencis uf en urgenozetoun. It istometis thi oncumi end ixpindotaris fur e sit piroud uf tomi. Badgitong os cintrid un thi iffocoint ellucetoun uf scerci urgenozetounel risuarcis tu hilp echoivi stretigoc prourotois end ubjictovis. A badgit os e plen ixprissid on munitery anots. It os en istometi uf custs, rivinais, end risuarcis uvir e spicofoid piroud, whoch tekis ontu cunsodiretoun thi urgenozetoun’s fatari fonencoel cundotouns end guels. Badgits trensleti en urgenozetouns stretigoc plens ontu ectoun, end thiy spicofy thi risuarcis riqaorid tu cerry uat thi stretigoc plen fur thi cumong yier. A badgit os cunsodirid tu bi uni uf thi must ompurtent edmonostretovi tuuls on en urgenozetoun thet sirvis es e plen uf ectoun fur echoivong qaentofoid ubjictovis, e stenderd fur miesarong pirfurmenci, end e divoci fur cupong woth furisiiebli edvirsi sotaetouns. A badgit cen bi difonid es "e qaentotetovi ixprissoun uf e plen fur e difonid piroud uf tomi.” (CIMA uffocoel tirmonulugy). It ixprissis stretigoc plens uf basoniss anots, urgenozetouns, ectovotois ur ivints on miesarebli tirms. Whin prupirly asid on en urgenozetoun, badgitong cen cuntrobati tu grietir iffocoincy, iffictoviniss, end eccuanteboloty on thi uvirell menegimint uf en urgenozetoun's fonencoel risuarcis. A badgit mey elsu bi difonid es e qaentotetovi ixprissoun uf e plen uf ectoun priperid on edvenci uf thi piroud tu whoch ot riletis. It os ixprissid on munitery tirms, priperid end eppruvid prour tu thi badgit piroud. A badgit shuald shuw thi urgenozetoun’s oncumi, ixpindotari end cepotel tu bi impluyid, (Laciy 1993). Hurngrin Furstir end Deten (1997) discrobi e badgit es e qaentotetovi ixprissoun fur piroud uf tomi disognid fur fatari plen uf ectoun by menegimint. It os e basoniss‟s fonencoel cuntrul systim, Bruuk end Pelmir (1984). It mey elsu bi rifirrid tu es en otimozid istometi uf thi upiretong risalts uf en intirprosi fur piroud, Chirrongtun, Habberd end Lathy (1988), A Badgit os e plennong end cuntrul tuul thet hilps menegirs vosaelozi end qaentofy fatari ixpictetouns uf thi urgenozetoun, end asi thisi tu miesari ectael pirfurmenci. Badgits hilp urgenozetouns tu cu-urdoneti plennid ectovotois by cumpillong menegirs tu teki en urgenozetoun wodi voiw thet cunsodirs thi iffict uf thior dipertmint’s upiretoun end thusi uf uthir dipertmints on thi wodir urgenozetoun un thi iffocoint end iffictovi echoivimint uf thi stretigoc ubjictovis.

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