Plan to Promote a New Band

840 Words2 Pages

Plan to Promote a New Band


The aims of our product were to advertise and promote a new up and

coming band as they planned to release their first single on a website

about the band itself. This website is mainly aimed at teenagers and

young adults, as they are the people who I thought would be most

impressed by the style of music we were promoting, namely 'Nu-/heavy


Before beginning the construction of the website I searched the

internet for similar style websites by bands who perform music within

the same genre as 'Vendetta'. These websites provided me with ideas

about layout and extra features that websites about bands included:


Guest book

History of the band

Song titles (with album cover)


The basic idea of the layout and structure of the website came from

this research.

The three members of my group thought separately about ideas for the

appearance of the website. It was a unanimous decision to keep the

design simple, but we all still had a desire to make it striking by

the style of font and writing, the way we used colour and the links.

We all also decided that it would benefit the site to have pictures of

the band, with their instruments, as it was thought that this would

add to the realism of the website. Getting these photographs taken was

the first stage of the website, and taken on digital camera, they were

easy enough to transfer on the computer.



Overall the actual website took about 3 weeks to produce, as some

members of our group had previous knowledge about site construction.

However, there is also the research and planning to account for, which

added another couple of weeks to the total time taken to complete the


We encountered some problems with picture sizes. Other machines that

the websites were viewed on were unable to load the band pictures due

to their size.

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