Pinball Behavior

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Computers are no longer used for 3D Pinball or Paint. With the development and expansion of the internet, online gaming has entered our lives. This new influence in has not only consumed hours of our times but it has also affected our behavior. Yubo Kou and Bonnie Nardi--College Students at the University of California--wrote an article, Regulating Anti-Social Behavior on the Internet: The Example of League of Legends,to show how antisocial behavior arises in the popular PC game League of Legends (LoL) and how gamemakers are trying to fix this behavior. League of Legends is built upon cooperation. Teams of five are matched together (they can build groups with friends or be randomly matched) and work together to defeat the other team in 20-40 …show more content…

The gamemakers of LoL created the Tribunal System to clean up online communities. Nardi and Kou cited other articles to explain the system, “the Tribunal System [was] a way of letting the community police itself (Senior, 2011).” Only experienced players (level 20 out of 30) are allowed to judge. Reviewers are given a “case” that includes number of reports, reason for reports, and the chat logs. After viewing the case, they chose whether to pardon, punish, or pass on the case. If punished, the system then uses code to disciple the player with warnings, constraints (like not being allowed to use the chat), or even suspending their accounts. A picture of this process and an actual case is documented in the article. As great as this solution is there are still obstacles, Nardi and Kou add that designing these systems is a major obstacle for other gaming communities and it is still being debated how much information should be given for human judgment. Even with these obstacles, the Tribunal System is successful, “Tribunal System Riot Games reported: ‘More than 47 million votes have been cast in the Tribunal; 51% of Tribunal cases resulted in a guilty verdict, with only 5.7% earning a permanent ban; 50% of players warned by the Tribunal just once never end up there

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