Pigment Extraction Essay

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Solvent and solvent mixture Extraction
Solvent extraction is the conventional and common extraction technique to extract by-product of fermentation process. Determination of optimal condition on pigment extraction is essential especially for industrial scale usage. Extraction by different types of solvents and solvents mixture were investigated by exposing the dried fermented rice to various solvent, separately. The solvents and solvents mixture were examined on the efficiency of pigment extraction (Figure 2). The figure shows that all solvents tested were able to extract the pigment. Among the solvents tested, solvent mixture (60% ethanol) shows the best solvent with a yield of 4.48 AU/g dry solid, followed by methanol (3.29 AU/g dry solid), 95% ethanol (3.01 AU/g dry solid) and distilled water with a yield of 2.98 AU/g dry solid. Solvent mixture of 60% ethanol appeared to be the best solvent for red pigment extraction due to the higher solubility of red pigment produced …show more content…

In this research, ultrasonic was applied on the fermented product. The effect of ultrasound on pigment extraction was examined. Four different ultrasonic times were applied to the fermented rice which were mixed formerly with solvent mixture at a ratio of 2:1 (solvent to solid), separately. Figure 5 shows the effect on the extraction yield at different sonication times. The result indicated that the longer exposure to ultrasonic condition, the greater the yield can be extracted (increased 21.31% at 120 min, Figure 5). During sonication process, the cavitation effects assist the pigment from the fermented product release to extraction solvent. Cavitation can cause temperature increase, pressure increase, thus accelerate chemical reactions of extracted compounds (Kanthale, et al., 2003; Vilkhu et al.,

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