The Hierarchical Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky

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Piaget and Vygotsky were born in 1896, they are two great masters of psychology. Among them, Piaget is the source of the cognitive school, Vygotsky is the social and cultural history school of the soul, they are a series of basic problems of psychology discussed systematically. Because of the divergent opinions of the two factions, Piaget and Vygotsky himself, and later theorists and researchers, all engaged in a heated argument. Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist. He is arguably the most influential figure in research in children 's cognitive growth. Piaget identified different stages of development following a hierarchical structure of ‘simple to complex’ and ‘concrete to abstract’. He is the first evidence that children’s and adult’s thinking are qualitatively different. Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist in the …show more content…

Piaget focuses on the study of the order and direction of individual internal mental development, recognizing the fundamental role of logical operations within human mental activity, emphasizing the role of the inherent logical processes of mankind; and Vygotsky is concerned with making development possible The realization of human individual intelligence to rely on appropriate human cultural history as a means of mental activity tools to achieve psychological activity, emphasizing the cultural impact of the role. We can find that all the centre of the controversy stems from whether the human development to find a basic reason is the individual 's own internal growth or history, society, culture and other external

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