Physical Therapy

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Imagine the inability to physically walk or do so pain free, or to sit, or do any type of daily routine without any sort of constant complications. Whether a person has been injured, born with a disability condition, or a disability occurred due to aging, there is a way to help treat many complications. Participating in a physical therapy rehabilitation program can help to heal an injury by proper, safe exercises to strengthen and prevent further injury or by teaching one to change their mechanics, which in turn will create a better way to manage daily routines safely and pro actively. Physical therapy can also help to prevent or decrease impairments such as the developmental affect of many genetic diseases, congenial disabilities or disabilities due to aging. Physical therapy is a rehabilitation program with the goal to assist in the recovery of surgeries and injuries, and to promote proper mechanics and motor functions; relieving pain and restoring and maintaining physical mobility, strength and a quality of life. Physical therapy provides services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by aging, injury, diseases, disorders, condition or environmental factors. Functional movement is central to what it means to be healthy (Bates). Physical therapy as a profession started in the late 1800's to early 1900's as a way of aiding rehabilitation of patients with poliomyelitis, which first affected children in the United States in 1894. Then women were recruited during World War I to work with and restore function and mobilit... ... middle of paper ... ...tivities with proper mechanics, safely so that further injury does not occur. Mainly educating people how to change their movements and posture. This proves my thesis by stating a specific technique used to help improve the way in which one performs his/hers daily routines. National Institutes of Health. "Sports Injuries." National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disieses. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. .This is a booklet that cites many injuries related to sports and describes many causes for many injuries, and what are the proper ways to treat and then prevent future injuries. This helps prove my thesis by giving a lot of information on many injuries that are inflicted on athletes, and then describing how physical therapy can help in recovery by means of strength, flexibility, etc.

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