
708 Words2 Pages


Photosynthesis produces energy in the form of glucose it uses water

from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and energy from the suns

light. Photosynthesis takes place in all plants that contain

chlorophyll. Photosynthesis mainly takes place in the palisade

mesophyll cell in the leaves of plants.

The main reaction is to produce oxygen and glucose, glucose is stored

in the form of starch and does not affect osmosis, taking place in the

plant. As plants respire both night and day this starch is often used

up during the night when photosynthesis cannot take place. The uses of

glucose within the plant are for active transpiration, cell division,

the production of protein and the production of cellulose. In

photosynthesis the raw materials are carbon dioxide and water. They

react to form the same products of the reaction of oxygen and starch

(glucose that has been stored). The reactions need energy and this

comes from light. The green chloroplasts allow light to be used as

energy and therefore both of these things are like helpers in the


[IMAGE] 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6C2

Carbon Dioxide Water Glucose Carbon

It is important that certain factors are present when the reaction is

occurring. We know that these are carbon dioxide, water, light and

Water, carbon dioxide and light, along with temperature, all have a

particular effect on the rate of photosynthesis. In terms of carbon

dioxide the levels in the atmosphere do not really alter very much,

but if gardeners wish to increase the rate of photosynthesis then

sometimes carbon dioxide is pumped into greenhouses. Up to a certain

point as temperatur...

... middle of paper ...


light in the reaction as energy; therefore the more energy there is

available the faster the reaction can take place.


On the graph there wasn't a point where the rate started to level off.

Many things can explain these results, among others. We did not

attempt to adjust the temperature as well as we could have done which

is a limiting factor of photosynthesis. Also the size of the pieces of

Elodea were not all the same so some people may have achieved

different results depending on the size of their Elodea and therefore

how much surface area was available for photosynthesis to take place

in the palisade mesophyll cells. As the burette fills with the gas,

water is displaced and the level drops. I think that overall our

evidence is very reliable and that our results show what I thought

they would.

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