Philosophy Of Philosophy

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Philosophy is an old academic discipline that studies many different areas in life. Philosophy is the base to ask, answer and argue about something and also can be supported by certain ideologies. Since ancient Greece, philosophers have studied different areas within philosophy from education, social economy to philosophy in politics. This academic discipline is the development of ideas of people that intended to express their thoughts. Philosophy can be applied in many situations and used in any part of the world. Philosophy can be defined by the way we think and behave whenever we face certain situations. It brings up our values and thoughts about anything we do in life. Not everyone has the same philosophy towards the same issue. The way a person is raised has a great impact on this person’s perception of life. Values, ethics morals and other factors can define how individuals create their own philosophy about life and attach themselves to events that happen during their life time, creating an idea about a particular situation. There are positions within philosophy that might contradict each other. Most of the Philosophies or ideologies discussed in our textbook “Philosophical and Ideological Voices in Education incorporate the four subdivisions of philosophy in any way, either to support or reject the ideas of others. Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology and logic are the subdivisions of philosophy that are either used to support the ideas of certain philosophers and other completely reject them. Some philosopher’s ideas are either in one extreme or the other, and the rest lay in between the two, this meaning that a philosophy can share or incorporate ideas from different areas of philosophy and others can reject or be gains th...

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... be truth, not a product of our imagination. The philosophy of Pragmatism developed in the United States in the twentieth century. John Dewey’s version of pragmatism, also called experimentalism or instrumentalism. Pragmatism focuses on the practical application of ideas and testing them in human experience. These ideas could be hypothesis, plans or theories for solving life’s problems. Pragmatism has some similarities with realism. , Dewey’s pragmatism used the scientific method to explore ideas and see if they worked or solved the problem and obtain the desired outcome. The last philosophy covered in this paper is Existentialism which originated after World War II and is defined by two words “exist” and “existence”. The idea behind existentialism is that a person or something is present at a particular time and place, to be actual, real, current and not imagined.

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