Persuasive Essay: The Dangers Of Drinking Bottled Water

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We spend billions of dollars every year on bottled water. In an article by Charles Fishman, Message In A Bottle he states, "[W]e spent more [money] on Poland Spring, Fiji Water, Evian, Aquafina, and Dasani than we spent on iPods or movie tickets," (Fishman). We spend all this money on bottled water when we can just fill a reusable one up with almost no cost at home or at a water fountain. Maybe because it’s just more convenient or there may have unsafe drinking water. We all have our reasons for why we buy bottled water but not many of us realize how much we are actually spending and the impact it has on the environment because we only focus on the convenience of them. Many people think that buying bottled water is safer than drinking tap water. In reality, an organization that helps raise awareness about bottled water, Food & Water Watch, water, most bottled water actually comes from the tap. Therefore, people are spending ridiculous amounts of money on something they can get at home. Food & Water Watch, also states that bottled water costs from $0.89 per gallon to $8.26 per gallon, compared to fractions of a penny for water from our tap. That makes bottled water thousands of times more …show more content…

Just like in the Flint, Michigan water crisis. In Flint the tap water was tainted so people were sending the town cases of bottled water. In this situation, bottled water would be a safer option to drink or purchase. In a CNN article it says that there was a unsafe level of lead in the water. "Flint resident Lee-Anne Walters. A mother of four, she had first contacted the EPA with concerns about dark sediment in her tap water possibly making her children sick’" (CNN). The water was making people sick. Therefore, buying or receiving bottled water would be smarter choice than drinking tainted water. However, if you are not in a situation like this, tap water is just as safe as bottled

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