Persuasive Essay: Should Animal Testing Be Morally Wrong?

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Animals of all kinds have been suffering for far too long from animal testing. Testing animals is not a beneficial or reliable way of testing a product or for medical research. There are many different and more accurate ways to tests products or do research than on animals. Animal testing is not safe for animals which is why testing on animals is morally wrong. This essay will examine the scope of the need to illegalize all testing on any animal. The organization of this essay will be set up in compare and contract format. The purpose of this essay is to persuade against the use of animals for testing. I will be reviewing different viewpoints on animal testing plus including my own opinion on the matter. I will be going over the con’s There has been many animal testing that were so wrong in medical testing so not only were animals hurt but also humans. For instance, the authors mention the study in 1963 by Clarence Little about the correlation between smoking and lung cancer. “Because the human and animal data failed to agree, this researcher and others distrusted the more reliable human data. As a result, health warnings were delayed for years, while thousands of people died of lung cancer” (Anderegg, Archibald, Bailey, Cohen, Kaufman, Pippin, 2006). Not only this study but many others have also proven that animals and people do not always correlate with each other. Therefore, all testing should be disregarded. Biopsies and patients are the only reliable testing for medical science. “Animal studies can neither confirm nor refute hypotheses about human physiology or pathology; human clinicals is the only way such hypotheses can be tested. At best, animal experiments can suggest new hypotheses that might relevant to humans. However, there are countless other, far superior ways to derive new hypotheses” (Anderegg, Archibald, Bailey, Cohen, Kaufman, Pippin, 2006). Medical research using animals should never be trusted or allowed. The purpose of the journal “A Critical Look at Animal Experimentation” is to inform. The article is teaching that medical science does not have any need for animals and that scientific studies can back that up. It also taught that animal testing is not just It makes no sense for medical science to continue to waste animals lives for unreliable evidence. It is not only wrong to use animals lives but also human lives too by using uncredible information to use on humans as if they are the exact same to animals. Yes, human and animals have similar characteristics but it is nowhere near exact. The only way to get exact information for humans is by humans. It is scary that the study done by Little trusted the animal’s data over the human’s when it was the humans getting affected by lung cancer not animals. It is very prevalent that animals are not only not useful to medical science but very

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