Persuasive Essay On Voting

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Throughout the world, there are many different ages that mark a significant change in a person. At this age, an individual changes from a child to an adult. In every culture, this poiny is varying, but the connotations remain the same. When a person reaches this “coming of age” moment of his or her life that person receives new expectations, responsibilities, and rights that they did not have before. In the United States, this age of adulthood occurs when an individual reaches eighteen. However, in the United States, the age 18 does not equate to the complete independence of adulthood. It is intriguing to explore the different levels of freedom of the age eighteen because it can lead to new paths of inquiry. While eighteen year olds in the United States do gain the ability to vote, they are simultaneously restricted from the purchasing and consumption of alcohol. …show more content…

Historically, the ability to vote was a hard earned and constitutional right that many people in the country had to fight for. It was only just a few decades ago that the voting age was decreased from twenty-one to eighteen. Despite these centuries of turmoil to earn the right to vote for all citizens, it seems that only approximately half of the population is actually voting in the elections. It is interesting to note that the young population provides the smallest percentage of voters, even outside of the United States, in countries like Great Britain. If gaining the right to vote is such a potent and significant of becoming an adult, why don’t more eighteen year olds make the most of this

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