Persuasive Essay On Undocumented Immigration

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Undocumented Immigration

As Americans, we are all facing a problem that is truly causing the demise of our nation. The United States is the melting pot of cultures from all over our planet allowing little discrimination. Together, we share values, food interests, religion, and even language. Undocumented immigration in the United States is slowly drowning our homeland into a debt-pool. Throughout the past three decades, people have the thought the misconception that increasing our population illegally would be economical, or not harming to our society as a whole. Today, as of March 13th 2016, the nation is 16.3 trillion dollars in debt. If you believe there is no problem, or we can keep going down the same path as we have been until it’s fixed, …show more content…

there are over 80 programs that use government funding for housing, medical coverage, and food sources for people incapable of providing it for themselves. It has required a grand total of 900 billion dollars a year for us taxpayers. You begin to wonder how working a legal job benefits you. There are a lot of illegal jobs that people could participate in but instead we continue to feed this monstrous cycle. The solution begins with immigrants understanding the importance of becoming an American citizen legally. Yes, I understand that paying taxes is unfair. I also understand that not having clean water is unfair, so choose your vice. Your health, or your hard work. The problem with people today is that they are entitled. Some immigrants believe that they should be able to come over to America, work for our companies, and pay nothing back. That they deserve free education because they are alive and well bodied. Somewhere, someone has to pay. The professor that teaches your college class needs to be paid to teach you that course. How do they get paid? That’s right, you guessed it. Tax dollars. Immigrants also pose a threat when it comes to our job market. How is it right to allow an undocumented Mexican work for an American company, and pay him less than the average worker because of his inability to prove citizenship. It just takes that job away from your average-joe just trying to get by. It reduces his chances at that job substantially. So, to put it quite …show more content…

Our jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants, our health care is being outsourced by Obama and making It required, and our tax dollars are going down the garbage disposal. If we want to be a part of the solution, Americans need to express the issues to leaders from the immigrating countries. In the year of 2014, Mexico alone had 5.6 million immigrants come over to the United States. Humans in general need to start having accountability for themselves. If you cannot read, write, or speak in English, pass a citizenship test, or are willing to pay taxes to the bigger cause, stay in your country. There is no place for you

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