Persuasive Essay On The Vietnam War

517 Words2 Pages

Tristan Barnett
Mrs. Anspach
Einglish III
April 7, 2014

The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was America’s way of trying to keep communism out of America. The reason why is because the U.S. government thought the communist was spreading in Vietnam but was about to hit America, but in the U.S. soldiers side of the view was that they didn’t know why this was happening. Before the Vietnam war though there was another war going on-the French and north Vietnamese were fighting for decades because the French and the Japanese owned almost half of Vietnam but the Vietnamese weren’t too happy about it and rebelled against it.
After few years the French were getting defeated by the Vietnamese army and fell back.
The U.S. went in to help the French and to train the South Vietnamese. One day after U.S landed in Vietnam, Together with the south Vietnamese were ambushed by the north Vietnamese but managed to fight them of, this made the U.S. realize how smart the north Vietnamese where. They used guerrilla tactics like using the instincts and their surroundings like tall grasses, tall bushes, tress, ...

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