Persuasive Essay On The Quality Of Life

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Abraham Lincoln once said, “And in the end it is not the years in your life that count, it 's the life in your years.” (Proverbia). This can be interpreted in different ways, but in the end the quality of life is what matters. What quality of life do terminally ill patients have? They are in pain, in and out of hospitals, some bed ridden and some in vegetative states. In these situations, there is no quality of life. Physician assisted suicide is when a physician provides the necessary information to a terminally ill patient allowing them to end their life on their own terms at the time that they see fit. While it is still looked down upon by many, legalizing physician assisted suicide would be providing a great benefit and sense of relief …show more content…

Most terminally ill patients spend their last days in the intensive care unit which is extremely expensive. On the other hand, the medication provided when choosing physician assisted suicide is very affordable. Doctor Ira Byock states that, “It costs up to $10,000 a day to maintain someone in the intensive care unit.” He continues, “This is the way so many Americans die. Something like 18 to 20 percent of Americans spend their last days in an ICU and, you know, it 's extremely expensive. It 's uncomfortable. Many times they have to be sedated so that they don 't reflexively pull out a tube, or sometimes their hands are restrained. This is not the way most people would want to spend their last days of life.” (Court) Byock is confirming that the end of life care for the terminally ill is extremely expensive, and uncomfortable for the patients. There is no reason that anyone should die this way. It’s hard on the patient as well as the family. Medical costs are outrageous and it provides no comfort for the patient. That being said, physician assisted suicide is not only a great option for terminally ill patients, but it’s extremely cost

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