Persuasive Essay On The Atomic Bomb

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August 6, 1945 the US became the first and only motherland to use atomic weaponry during the time of war. The United States planned to dropped an atomic bomb “little boy” on the city of Hiroshima (Japan). The atomic bomb housed about 20 tons of TNT which was could demolish a city without any complication. The Bombing of Hiroshima marked an end to World War 2. Truman announced that he would be using nuclear weaponry when he was informed that they were running out supplies. After that Truman then order a bomb dropped over Hiroshima to bring the war to a more immediate end. There have been many theories why the U.S dropped “little boy” on Hiroshima in 1945. Many also believe that is was extremely uncalled for dropping the bomb on Hiroshima. “Little Boy” approximately killed 70,000 people which was nearly half the city. Many of those people who lost their lives on that tragic day where innocent people. Critics have said that Truman 's decision was a cruel act that could possibly bring negative long-term consequences to the United States .When President Truman came out with a statement telling America why he ordered the bomb drop according to he stated: “The Japanese began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor. They have been repaid many folds. …show more content…

Truman was doing what was best for his people and for Japanese citizens as well. Even though the citizens of the United States understood that he was just trying to protect his people he (Truman) also killed many honorable people in the process. He also stated that his decision to drop “little boy” on Hiroshima was completely military. Many ask why the U.S didn’t just drop a bomb in a wildness or away from humanity and show the Japanese what they (United States) was able to without harming anyone. If that happen then maybe the Japanese might have had a change in thought or even surrendered, without thousands of civilians losing their

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