Persuasive Essay On Self Help

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Self-help is defined as standardized psychological treatment that helps someone cope with personal and emotional problems without the need of professional help (van Spijker; Bergsma). Most people can try this form of treatment through home independently, by either a book or through the internet (van Spijker). The dictionaries definition of self-help is “the acts of helping or bettering oneself without the aid of others.”(Bergsma). There has been many trials that have shown the effectiveness of self-help. This self treatment reduces depressive symptoms, symptoms of anxiety, problem drinking, social phobia, and health problems such as headaches (van Spijker). The goal of these psychology books are not to ease the symptoms but to enhance personal …show more content…

Self-help doesn’t always have to be from a book, support groups, or other different ways. According to Jaffe, Robinson, and Segal, the first steps to take so that the teenagers can cope with the suicidal thoughts are; promising yourself to not taking action of your thoughts, avoiding drug and alcohol use, making your home safe, having hope, and sharing these feelings to someone else. These authors believe that they should try and promise themselves to not take any of their suicidal thoughts to action because there is no one pushing to make them act upon it. For example, pushing yourself for twenty four hours or even a week or two can help because as stated by the authors there is no deadline. Its best to avoid drug and alcohol use during the time of suicidal thoughts because it can worsen the thoughts their having. According to Meel, the young teenagers who had used alcohol or illicit drugs throughout the year have high chances of having suicidal thoughts (Meel). In fact, one of the causes of suicide is alcohol intake which has a percentage of twenty three (Meel). This proving that alcohol and drugs will do no good with the pain a teenager is feeling. Making one 's home safe includes removing anything that may be considered harmful tools you can use to hurt yourself. A case report of a fifteen year old boy committed suicide by shooting himself and no one knew he had a gun (Meel). In this case it shows you that the environment and objects around you should have been put away for the safety of the person. If making your home safe does not work just like the fifteen year old boy, going to a safe environment or even hospitalization would be a helpful choice depending on the level of suicidal ideation. One of the steps ,which is having hope, is considered to be one of the most difficult in a teenager’s case. It is considered difficult because specifically at this age feeling isolated, hopeless,

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