Persuasive Essay On Police Brutality

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It pains me to acknowledge, the reality that in this day of age Racist Police Brutality is happening and is an enormous problem in the United States. Due to the numerous occurrences of police brutality towards minorities, the increasing amount day by day of these cases, the horrifying truth that most of the officers are being allowed to walk away with no consequence, and the involvement of social media has the social order in the United States in complete chaos, distrusting those public servants whom we 're sworn to protect us in the first place. That is why I support groups such as: Black Lives Matter, American Civil Liberties Union, No Justice, No Peace, and President Obamas administration who are urging the movement for “Criminal Justice
Although a collection of individuals has argued that racism does not exist in the United States, that there is nothing wrong with American police and the way they are policing, the rest of the country would disagree, taking to the streets protesting Black Lives Matter, No Justice, no peace, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) demanding nothing more than reform. In a video “Are the Police Racist?” Presented by Heather Mac Donald, “a secular conservative” (Wikipedia) released by Prager University, a conservative web-site that presents their ideas through a 5-minute videos; publicizes that the media and different activist groups are to blame for portraying the police as racist, revealing that crime is to blame stating “Police shootings occur more frequently where officers confront armed or violently resisting suspects. Those suspects are disproportionately black.” (00.00.00-00.05.00) and that blacks, in particular, are killing themselves and not the police. It 's hard not to have any skepticism, with all these controversial shootings and killings of minorities by police, “Chicago’s cops shoot about 50 suspects dead each year—more than 75% of them black. The
In their plans, they tackle quite a few issues, that are believed to be the problem in our current criminal justice system. One solution is ensuring the laws in place are fair for all people and to get rid of laws that are ineffective. For instance,” Stop-and-frisk, a crime prevention tactic that allows a police officer to stop a person based on "reasonable suspicion” of criminal activity and frisk based on reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous, has been a contentious police practice since first approved by the Supreme Court in 1968.” (Rudovsky and Lawrence). In “Is Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional?” by Eugene Kiely, “In 2013, U.S. District Court Judge Shira A. Scheindlin ruled that city police violated the U.S. Constitution in the way that it carried out its stop-and-frisk program, calling it “a form of racial profiling” of young black and Hispanic men.” (Kiely) In “The facts about stop-and-frisk in New York City” by Philip Bump, states “The New York Civil Liberties Union has collected data on stop-and-frisks from 2002 to the present. We can compare that to FBI data on crime rates (including preliminary 2015 estimates from the Brennan Center for Justice) and see how the use of the tactic compared to the rate of violent crimes or murders. Simply put, there 's almost no correlation.” (Philip).

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