Persuasive Essay On Payroll Tax

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Whether the government should impose a tax on employers to provide workers with benefits such as unemployment insurance or mandate employers to provide workers with benefits, which are normally benefits such as health insurance or workers compensation will ultimately depend on how much their employees value the benefit. Mandated benefits are those benefits that are protected by federal law. Firms are liable to make these benefits available to their employees and failure to do so will result in severe penalties. Payroll tax is relatively different from mandated benefits for the reason that payroll taxes are imposed on the wage of employees, which are either paid by the workers or the firm. When analyzing to see how successful a mandated …show more content…

From the previous discussion it is clear that mandated increases in health insurance participation which could have a significant labor market effects, causing changes in the market wage and in the number of workers employed. The recent substantial increase in malpractice payments and premiums for physician malpractice insurance has greatly increased the cost of employer provided health insurance. Due to these increases it is estimated that there will be a decline in employment, a cutback in the number of hours worked, and as well as reduction in wages of workers with employer provided health insurance. Providing health insurance threw mandates or payroll taxes entirely depends on if there will be a shift in the supply curve. The reason the supply curve shifts in mandates is because workers valued the benefits. There is no shift in the supply curve when it comes to payroll taxes for the reason that there is an implicit assumption that the benefit is not tied to employment. However, benefits provided through taxes could possibly be tied to employment and that would alter the supply curve. If the benefit is tied to employment, as it is in this case, it does not matter if it is funded through a mandated benefit or payroll tax. Workers will value the benefit provided by either one,

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