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Negative impacts of overfishing
Relevance of overfishing to the environment
Impact of overfishing
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Recommended: Negative impacts of overfishing
When we in vision the sea, we tend to associate it as a vast body of water with infinite marine life; in addition, a place, although known, still a mystery to the human species. To many scientists, the sea is a place that holds a great deal of mystery; although there are many discoveries that are occurring everyday there is still a great deal of things that are unknown. Within recent years, the sea and everything within it are changing drastically; from oil leaks to polluting the water these events are contaminating the sea and everything within it. Although contamination can be viewed as catastrophic, there are current protocols and measures being taken in order to prevent further disrupter. However, there is an even more serious problem that …show more content…
Over the globe the demand for fish has increased and with such increase for the demand of fish companies are competing against one another to meet said quota. However, by having such competition occurring it is causing overfishing and if it is not stopped can and will lead to the extinction of fish and marine life. Therefore, we will see the potential trajectory overfishing can have within the upcoming years, identify certain ramifications that are caused due to overfishing, and lastly the possible solutions companies and organization can take in order to solve such …show more content…
However, as time went on and society began to modernize and industrialize, the role of technology began to increase. Resulting in individuals to become dependent on such devices. In winter of 2012, Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science released an article titled, The Threats of Overfishing; Consequences at the Commercial Level, the purpose of such document was to raise awareness surrounding overfishing and to stress its severity. According to Dartmouth’s article, as technologies began to “[advance,] fishing technology [also arose] and an increased [in the demand] for fish lead to overfishing.” We can then correlate that technology is linked to overfishing because, by having technology factor in the fishing industry it leads for “commercial fleets [to] [. . .] [scour] the world’s ocean and [develop] more sophisticated methods and technologies [to] find, extracting, and processing their target species” (National Geographic). However, that is not the only thing that is linked to overfishing, National Geographic released an article which revolves around overfishing—titled Overfishing. Similar to Dartmouth article they determined the origin of overfishing, although each article has identified a different root of the problem. National Geographic relates the problem of overfishing to the worldwide population increase. In many parts of
Larabee, John, and Richard Price. "Tide of Troubles has Fish Industry Reeling/ Crisis Caused by Pollution, Development, Over-Fishing." USA Today 10 Mar. 1994: 9A
Overfishing may have some benefits to it, but does it out way the negatives? By fulfilling our demand we can wipe out our whole oceans! Not just the fish, but water mammals too. Sure it can create jobs, but as what cost? It can help bring up our economy, but at the same time it can bring it down with many fish companies closing down due to lack of profit. Fish is a great source of nutrients, but too much can kill you! In other words, fish can be both beneficial and harmful to not only humans, but everyone and everything surrounding fish. There are three things people can do to help with overfishing, the first thing is to be aware of what you are eating. Is the fish on the fear of extinction list? Also asking yourself is the fish you’re about to eat really the fish you intend to eat? Another thing to ask is, was it shipped over seas? If it was it doesn’t benefit anyone, it won’t help the economy or you. Many fish shipped from a long ways creates pollution and may have lost its nutrients value from the long voyage. One last thing to do is if you see a sewer with a sign leading to the ocean, try not to leave trash near it, or better yet don’t litter at all! All the litter left out on streets or near sewers can cause pollution in oceans, lakes, and rivers which is very harmful for marine life. You can still enjoy fish, but not at such a high demand as
Earth's oceans make up over 75% of the Earth as a whole. With that being said, it is vital to understand the significance on the contents of the oceans. Since fish and marine products make up a large portion of our diet, fishing practices need to be properly managed. In this essay, overfishing will be defined, its consequences will be revealed, and plans for proper fish distribution will be executed.
Overfishing refers to an act of fishing more than what the population can replace through normal reproduction (WWF, 2016). This was led by international government efforts to increase fishing capacity in the mid-20th century, which then led to the increase in availability and affordability of protein-rich foods. With this, profitable commercial fleets became aggressive, scouring the world’s oceans and developing sophisticated technologies to find and catch their targeted species. Thus, with a wide selection of fish species available at affordable prices, customers soon became used to them (Geographic, 2016).
Overfishing can lead to sea creatures becoming extinct. This can ruin an entire food chain and continues
Overfishing is a growing world problem. In 2013, 93 million tonnes of fish were caught
Overfishing is defined as a form of overexploitation where fish stocks are brought down to unacceptable levels. In the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2 yearly report (SOFIA), it states how over half of the fish stocks, worldwide, are fully exploited. Other research has shown it only takes 10-15 years of industrial fishing to obliterate a tenth of the intended species. Overfishing causes a ripple effect that hurts the entire ecosystem. The balance of the chain depends largely on the interaction between the predator and the prey.
To fish or not to fish is a personal choice. The fact that the oceans are being overfished is a growing concern for individuals, organizations, and governments throughout the world. In this paper I want to discuss the effects of overfishing on the restaurant industry, and possible solutions to solve the problem. Fishing is an ongoing source of food for people around the world. In many countries it is a food staple in their everyday diet. In more modern societies eating fish has become a sensual experience, and not just for the wealthy. It hasn't been until population explosions in the last century that the demand for seafood has led to more effective fishing techniques and technologies. Now the demand for popular fish like the salmon, tuna, sea bass, cod and hoki, which is the key fish in McDonalds filet o' fish, is diving wild populations to dangerously low levels. The methods used to catch the amount of fish demanded by the industry do not leave sustainable populations in the wild. In an attempt to preserve the fish population, governments have set limits on the minimum size that may be harvested and how many of each may be taken. Boundaries have been set up saying which areas can be fished and which ones should be left alone. A number of smaller fisheries have gone out of business because of the limits imposed by the government. This leads to even less fish being harvested and brought to market. Therefore the amount and varieties of fish at markets are smaller and can cause shortages for wholesalers and restaurants. Some restaurants will no longer have the variety on their menus that they used to enjoy. If a restaurant thrives on its seafood menu they may be unable to cope with the shortages and will go out of business. In the ...
Overcapacity of vessels in the water is one main reason for overfishing. It is said that there are enough vessels in the water to fish 4 planet earths—crazy, right?. There is so many powerful boats out there with intense competition for limited fish. Technological advances such as sonar detection leaving the fish no hope for escape. These vessels have become so efficient that they have
I will be presenting the first affirmative of today’s debate. The United Stated federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth’s oceans. Before I go further I would like to define the key terms of today’s debate. The United States federal government is defined as the system of government in the Constitution which is based on the separation of powers among three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The ocean is defined as the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth. To increase means to become larger in amount or number. Nonmilitary means not belonging to, characteristic of, or involving the armed forces. Exploration
Overfishing is a harmful practice, that will eventually lead to the collapse of aquatic ecosystems, if it’s not dealt with promptly. Overfishing emerges from the combination of our over consumptive society mixed with the great profits that come from hauling in a good catch. The consumers demand for fish in Japan seems to be at an increasingly high rate due to the enjoyment and cultural values that arise from sushi and other traditional dishes involving seafood. Approximately 23 percent of Japan’s protein intake comes from the ocean, and as a nation consumes 7.5 million tonnes of seafood annually. CITATION
overfishing is a real problem and needs to be fixed. Some people may ask how
It is estimated that 90% of the big fish in the oceans are disappearing according to CNN. Overfishing has been a big impact on the world today and it has affected many people. Truthfully, overfishing is a big problem today and drastic measures should be taken to prevent it. Fish have been decreasing by too much each year and solutions should be made. Overfishing has become a problem each year and measures should be taken to limit the effects, such as keeping fish in captivity and controlling pollution.
Overfishing is the most major problem related to oceans, but it is also the most overlooked. Fishing has been going on for thousands of years, and fish have always been seen as a renewable resource, that would replenish itself forever for our benefit. But around the world there is evidence that fish are not recove...
The first cause of the marine extinction is coming from over-fishing and commercial fishing. According to Marine Extinction and Conservation, commercial fishing has