Persuasive Essay On Obesity In America

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Obesity in America is a crucial problem. 75% of adults ages 20 and older are considered to be overweight, obese, or extremely obese (Overweight and obesity statistics). This epidemic has not only affected me, but it has affected my family. I have always been obese every since I can remember. This was an unhealthy lifestyle and something needs to change. Something needs to change not only for me, but for our country. Obesity in America poses many health threats to people of all ages. I have come up with a simple solution this is guaranteed to work. The obesity problem in America is out of control and something needs to be done. Some may say that this problem is caused by the lack of cheap healthy food and the wide variety of cheap fast food. “More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity.” (Adult Obesity Facts). This means that 88.5 million adults are obese in America. Obesity increases the risk of serious health problems. This can include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, and a increase risk of having a stroke just to new a few. Those who body mass index surpass 40 have a life expectancy of six and a half years less than that of a person who has a normal body mass index (Los Angeles Times). Being obese will take time away from you and we should all strive to be in the best shape we can be. “From 1990 to 2015, the average percentage of obese adults increased from 11.1% (for 44 states and DC) to 29.3%. As of 2015, 37.9% of the US population was …show more content…

More and more people each year will suffer the consequences of being overweight, until they are informed on the most basic way of losing weight. This method is guaranteed to work for some better than others. All it takes is self discipline and hard work and eventually you will achieve your goal weight and once again become healthy and not have to worry about the countless health risks that obesity comes

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