Persuasive Essay On Marijuana

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On January 29, 1919 the 18th Amendment banning the manufacture, transport and sale of intoxicating liquors was ratified. Following this, criminal activity soared and gangs gained lasting power through bootlegging liquor. 13 years later Roosevelt easily won presidential office on the platform to appeal prohibition; in 1933 the 21st Amendment passed effectively ending it. One of the reasons that children are required to study history is to learn about the mistakes of the past and to not repeat them. Yet even after the trouble that was caused as a direct result of the 19th Amendment, some people still wish to make the same mistake. Marijuana is a misconstrued drug. Many people don’t realize the vast benefits that legalizing it holds and the troubles that keeping it illegal maintains. Cannabis is the key to improving things in this country such as: lowering crime rate, increasing revenue, creating jobs, freeing up of law enforcement resources, and protecting the futures of young Americans. …show more content…

However, while it has been proven to have some adverse health effects, it has also been shown to be medically beneficial in many cases. Either way, the act of putting a harmful or helpful drug into one’s body is something that no one should be able to decide for another person. Therefore it should be at the discretion of the user as to whether or not they wish to put smoke in their lungs or not, and this personal freedom should not be infringed upon. The common argument against this is that smoking weed endangers not only the user but others as well. Yes, there is violence related to marijuana just like any other illegal substance. However this is largely because it is an illegal substance and much of the violence is connected with the trafficking of weed not the consumption of it. Therefore, this is actually another example of a benefit of legalizing marijuana and a drawback of keeping it as a black market

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