Persuasive Essay On Lack Of Privacy

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The Lack of Privacy Online
Emily often eats her favorite sandwich in a certain restaurant. Once, she mentioned the restaurant in a text message to her friend with whom she wanted to meet there. Then, she searched for some movies on the Internet. She did not believe to what she had seen. All of the pages she visited had small advertisement banners on the sides promoting near restaurants that offer the sandwich she likes. She was frightened and began to question what all the Internet knows about her and who all can access her private information. Since more and more of daily activities are moved to the online world, larger amount of private information is shared on the Internet. Schools, government offices, banks, and many other institutions frequently require the use of the Internet. Citizens of the United States who enter Internet web sites, often unwittingly, expose themselves to large scale tracking and personal information sharing from which they can hardly escape while putting their personal information in jeopardy of abuse; therefore, the United States should outlaw the sharing of personal information acquired through the Internet with third parties in order to protect citizens’ privacy. …show more content…

Former Vice President Al Gore addressed the topic of Internet privacy and pointed out that “privacy is a basic American value […] in the Information Age and in every age […] and it must be protected” (qtd. in Masci). Senior researcher David Masci states that the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights indirectly implies the right of privacy “when it prohibits what it terms ‘unreasonable’ search and seizure” (Masci 183, 184). Yet, the usage of Internet, the part of nearly everyone’s day life that has increased tremendously over the past two decades, does not have any laws that would protect the

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