Persuasive Essay On Immigration

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The phrase land of opportunity derived from popular immigrant populations looking to leave their old life behind in search for a better one. Now what often seems to be a problem with the land of opportunity is immigration itself. There’s many different approaches to this because it is not clear where the problem lies. Immigration issues are not black and white, there is an extensive gray area which is why it is hard to pinpoint a solution. Today, it is difficult to pass a reform because everybody has different ideas of better immigration policies. The current system does not do a well enough job, as shown from how immigration co-exists with interests of education and the economy.
Understanding the future of our educational system includes …show more content…

Most popular fears and prejudice set have been proven false over and over in history. Similarly to when America was worried the German immigrants would sweep the British culture, the current wave of immigration is receiving the same stance from critics. Once thought that the 19th century of immigrants could not assimilate into society has been proven wrong. The accumulation from these foreign groups of people into society allow for us to have great deal of influence among other parts of the world by our enriched and diverse culture and adding productive capacity. Subsequently, a rightful path is to have high regards to other ethnicities history instead of trying to obscure it. Passing legislation regarding immigration has been rather negligent and would be a start to a successful reform. Our perception of immigration has not been good for the most part of this country. Many people are unaware of what goods and how far immigration has got this country. Furthermore, the good immigration does goes unnoticed while the bad stands out greatly. If we were more propitious about the possible assimilations from different cultures into ours, the process of reforming would be better. Using immigration to build our success would be nothing new. “America is a nation of nations, made of people from every land, of every race and practicing every faith. Our diversity is not a source of weakness, it is a source of strength, it is a source of our success” - Former Secretary of State, Colin

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