Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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According to a study released last year by the Pew Hispanic Center, as of 2008, 11.9 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States, more than triple the 3.5 million who lived in the country in 1990 (Izumi). Immigration throughout the years has become a major issue in the U.S because of too many immigrants entering the country year after year. The U.S has come to a point whether they should deport the immigrants back to their country. Believe it or not, these immigrants are a big contribution to the U.S. If it wasn’t for them, the U.S economy wouldn’t be where it stands now. In recent discussions of whether immigrants should be deported, there has been sides where immigration would be good for our country and others disagree. Some believe that immigrants should be allowed to stay in our country, because they believe our economy wouldn’t be good without them and many businesses rely on immigrants working for them. On the other hand, the other side believe that immigrants are overpopulating the U.S and don’t have the money to support all of these immigrants (education/jobs.) Immigrants should …show more content…

Many believe that if a law was to be created, that many immigrants would apply for a higher position at their jobs and would compete with other Americans (Paletta). Also, there have been statistics showing that it would take $44.5 billion for 3.7 millions immigrant students to provide education for them (Izumi). However, if we could all work together as a nation, we can make our country better. Like Obama mentioned before, he would welcome any person into our country that is willing to make our country better (Hudson). Money and population shouldn’t be a worry at all, if we can all make it

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