Persuasive Essay On Higher Education

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Higher education is seen as a privilege and not a right, however, in the United States it is not a privilege that every person can afford. Free college education is essential because it gives students the right to equal and better career opportunities, therefore making this privilege accessible to all. Education also plays an integral role in promoting a nation 's economic growth; having more Americans with higher education starting up more businesses resulting in the creation of more jobs, therefore putting more money in the economy. Free higher education levels the playing field, helps provide different career opportunities, supports the economy, and helps prevent high levels of debt for college graduates. Free higher education has shown success in other countries and will also be successful here in the United States as proposes the Obama plan. Free college education is a highly debated topic and as supported throughout this paper, essential because it gives students the right to equal and better career opportunities. A college education has become a necessity in today’s …show more content…

Higher education is the true path to achievement. It generates options and opens doors for people in terms of finding good employment opportunities. It also decreases the possibility of poverty and truly empowers all individuals to make an intellectual decision concerning their immediate and long-term futures. For our democratic society, education produces a more competitive, specialized workforce, not only to meet the needs of our country but also to become a catalyst for sound investors from abroad. In the text ‘They say, I say" by Stephanie Owen and Isabelle Sawhill talk about how most people discuss how degrees are for the ones who can afford it, and how they are the best investments since it earns more money in the future. Since, it leads to much debt at a young age, which is why free college is so

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