Persuasive Essay On Head Start Program

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According to Berk (2012) and video Center for the Developing Child (2012), before a person is able to hold attention, work with information, and filter distractions, during childhood a mechanism called executive functioning must be developed. Some children develop their executive functioning capabilities earlier than others and in order for a child to preform well and have a successful school experience, executing functioning must be developed. The Head Start program focuses, as seen in Zigler (1988), helps to increase a child’s ability to enter a school environment and deal with the expected abilities and experiences of their age group—school readiness. Unfortunately, as seen in Head Start classroom 7, sometimes children are placed into school, and the Head Start program, before they are ready. In particular, in my head start classroom, there is a 2 and a half-year old girl who loves to play in the kitchen, call her Ashley. On my second day visiting Head Start, as I was dancing and signing with other children, I noticed that Ashely was playing by herself in the kitchen. I watched as she put cakes …show more content…

Piaget said there were four stages every child went through, Sensorimotor (birth-2), preoperational (2-7), concrete operational (7-11), and formal operational (11 on). In his stage theory, Piaget felt that an individual’s thinking is qualitatively different at one stage than thinking is in another stage. In other words, a child in sensorimotor development thinks qualitatively different from someone who is in the preoperational, concrete operational, or the formal operational stages of development. Furthermore, Piaget’s conservation task of numbers—a task where physical quantities are unchanged in the face of spatial alterations—can be used to detect which stage of development an individual is

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