Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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The majority of people in America simply just do not understand how gun control works. Mainstream America is just not informed about particular areas of gun control that would help them understand the system. As stated by, gun control is a government regulation of the sale and ownership of firearms. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the first major federal statute to deal with the regulation of firearms (Carter). Following the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Federal Arms Act of 1938 is the first federal limitation put on the sale of ordinary firearms (Carter). These acts are set up to protect the public’s welfare and safety by regulating dangerous weapons. For the sake of a safer America, training needs to occur for Americans to fully comprehend how to manipulate weapons, how the laws in their state works and the penalties for breaking the laws. Weapons handling classes can assist Americans in understanding the purpose of how to operate their weapons. During these classes they would learn how to control the weapon and understand all the safety procedures to use while manipulating the weapon. According to the Fox 26 …show more content…

The article Gun Offenders Are Repeaters states, “The study, by the state Office of Policy and Management, analyzed the records of 14,391 male Connecticut inmates who were let out of prison in 2005. Of those, 1,862, or about 13 percent, had served time for a weapons conviction, either in this or an earlier incarceration. Of that cohort, 75.2 percent were arrested again within three years and 45.5 percent went back in prison. The numbers were almost as high for those arrested on gun charges but convicted of a lesser offense.”(Hartford). In the end, upholding current gun laws would keep the repeat offenders off the

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