Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Armed civilians can and do stop criminals from injuring people and help protect them. One statement that shows the impact of guns upon crime is “Florida State University’s award-winning criminologist Gary Kleck - no fan of the NRA - calculated that American use privately owned firearms to thwart criminal attack between 2 million and 2.5 million times each year, and in the vast majority of cases, no shot is ever fired (Heston 1). Even though this evidence shows that owning guns prevent attacks, there are still people who believe there is a major issue that requires stronger gun control laws.. Supporters of gun control often bring up situations where two gun owners try to settle their problems like gunfighters from the old west. One such incident would be when Charles Ingram and Robert Webster both got into an argument and shot each other at the same time (Jonsson 1). One rebuttal of this is an incident after a school shooting at Pearl High School in Pearl MS, 1997, in which a sixteen-year old student shot and killed two students and injured seven others. The only thing that stoppe...

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