Persuasive Essay On Grade Inflation

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Stuart Rojstazer, a former professor at the University of Duke recently conducted a study that stated out of two hundred colleges and universities forty percent of all grades given fell in the “A” range. (Rojstazer, Healy). An A has become the average grade students receive in college, due to various factors. Grade inflation is a much greater problem than many Americans believe it is. Greater attention needs to be brought to this issue in order for something to be done about it. It appears that schools are not as concerned as they should be about grade inflation. Only a few schools across the country have attempted to fix grade inflation. So far, not one solution has been successful. If schools across America would join forces and ideas to end grade inflation it …show more content…

Princeton’s limits on grading are also giving other schools an edge. According to a recent Princeton report, “The committee was surprised to learn that students at other schools (e.g., Harvard, Stanford, and Yale) are using our grading policy to recruit against us” (Ramplell). Their attempted to solve grade inflation has become a marketing strategy for other schools. If all schools would join together to come up for an effective solution to grade inflation it would be solved. In the meantime, Students and employers will continue to suffer the effects of inflated grades.
Many would wonder why students would have a problem with grade inflation. If they are receiving higher grades then how could it be a negative issue? If they were to look closer it is clearer to see how damaging grade inflation is. Inflated grades give students a false sense of security and confidence. When they receive an A they think they think they know the content or believe they are doing a good job, and this is misleading. They think that the amount of effort they are putting in is good enough when in reality

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