Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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Should a person be able to end their life with the help of Doctor’s and medicine if there is no cure or treatment available for their illness? If a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal disease, should they be able to say when enough is enough and make that final decision to end the pain and suffering? What reactions will come from the family, and the community? Physician assisted suicide is the last options some people have, some say it is an ethical choice and others disagree. This process is carried out by a patient who has done everything possible and nothing has changed their outcome, and a physician, who writes a prescription or administers an injection containing a fatal dose of medication. If this is an option and the patient has tried …show more content…

Knowing that a physician is there and helping to make sure everything goes smoothly, is a lot more comforting than someone trying to commit suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot, or overdose. The family will always feel sorrow and pain no matter what way the person dies, this way may be a little harder to cope with. Anyone who has ever owned a pet knows that when the pet is terminally ill and cannot survive on their own anymore, the Veterinarian often advises that person to consider euthanasia, and most of the time people take that advice. Well, what is the difference if it is a pet or a person? We all have different way to deal with pain and disease. Some states execute criminals for horrible crimes they have committed, but will not allow a person to take their own life with the help of medicine. In Texas is actually a crime to help someone commit physician assisted suicide because it is considered a form of “Mercy” killing. (Pullicino,2000) Due to religious beliefs, physician assisted suicide is against the Bible’s teaching. To some people suicide is suicide no matter the form. A pet may be a member of the family but putting a pet down is not the same as ending a person’s life. Criminals are usually executed because they have committed a horrific crime; a person choosing to end their life is just doing so to be selfish.

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