Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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Do you want to die in dignity or agonizingly? Euthanasia is an action to achieve a painless death of a patient who is suffering from severe pain or incurable, it is only allowed by patient’s self intention or guardian’s approval. There are two types of euthanasia; passive and active. Active euthanasia is shortening one’s life by medication whereas passive euthanasia removes the respirator. The word ‘eu’ originated from the word beautifully and happily, ‘thanatos’ death; beautiful death. However some people say euthanasia is a murder as it is ending one’s life. According to a survey conducted by Australian Institute, more than 70 per cent answered euthanasia should be permissible. According to the result, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg are the only countries where euthanasia is officially legal and they are inactive to support why euthanasia should be legalized as it has strong social stigma around the world who thinks euthanasia is a murder. There are a few reasons why euthanasia should be legalized globally such as; financial, emotional stress and human rights. The first reaso...

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