Persuasive Essay On Drug Use

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When Columbus first discovered America, the natives offered him what would become one of the most addictive drugs known to mankind, tobacco. Although at this time, Columbus naïve of the plant threw them out. He did not know that this plant or the chemical substance derived from it, would one day assimilate into the life of many humans because of its biological effects. Now legal, tobacco is just a rarity among recreational drugs citizens indulge in. Drugs, legal and illegal, have long been apart of our country and others. Consequently, policies and regulations have developed to negate the participation of drug usage. These policies and regulations extend from jail time and fines to hard incarceration. But, do these regulations and sentences …show more content…

No matter what area, college, projects, baseball games, and clubs, you can find a dealer. Our government’s concentration of harsh enforcement has shown to fail in impeding on the drug problem. The number of citizens incarcerated for drug related charges has increased almost twentyfold since 1980. Mass-media campaigns have also failed in preserving teens from drug usage and abuse. According to Dale Geiringer, the author of the California NORML report, California since legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes, has seen a reduction law enforcement cost by $200 billion. California has also seen a revenue increase of $4.5 billion, adding another $200 million in sale taxes. This type of surplus would be advantageous to America especially in a time where debt is above $17 trillion. Legalizing marijuana (at the least) would do more wonders than just medical and bringing an end to possession charges for weed. The legalization of marijuana would also stimulate the economy with staggering …show more content…

This can only mean that it’s also responsible for many incarcerated citizens. claims that in 2013, more than 600,000 citizens were arrested and charged with marijuana violations. Obviously, drugs such as cocaine and heroin could not be compromised with as far as legalization goes but as far as helping and stimulating the economy legalizing marijuana would do more for the issue with drugs than hardcore punishment. Imagine, more jobs accessible for Americans in a billion dollar industry. Profit bringing our national debt down and cutting in half in a small amount of time. Washington’s Post Chris Ingraham argues the importance of the approval of this bill and the tax benefits it would bring to enterprises and effectively stimulating the economy. In Beyond the War on Drugs, Steven Witotsky tries to convince citizens that drugs aren’t the menace they’re made out to be. He’s in support of legalizing such drugs as marijuana as a first resistance to the war on drugs. In our society today, according to the 2013 National Survey on Drug on Use and Health, nearly 50% of Americans have tried marijuana. Americans don’t usually agree on much when it comes to government policies, but, boasts that 53% of Americans believe the plant should be legalized in it’s entirety. Not only would legalizing the plant decrease drug possession crime rates, it

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