Persuasive Essay On Dna Databank

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A DNA database or databank is the data storage of DNA profiles. These storages can be used in multiple ways, including the analysis of genetic diseases, fingerprinting, and genealogy. The largest are national databases. The types of databases include Forensic DNA database, Genetic genealogy database, and Medical DNA database. There are national databases found in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and even the United States. The controversy over the databases begins with the people’s concern that their privacy is being abused. With the DNA database, anyone who can access the information of any individual now has access to them and their family. With some databases expanded to include those who have merely been arrested, there are concerns …show more content…

Under the control of the government, it would lead to much advancement. Forgotten crimes would resurface and be solved, and improve overall health of citizens. A DNA databank would prove invaluable in its ability to aid in the apprehending of criminals. Also, locating and identifying disaster victims would prove easier as well. Also assuming that DNA is left at the scene of almost every crime, fighting crime would be easier than ever. A process that would normally take days, weeks, months, maybe even years to solve would now take little to no time. The potential is limitless. The narrowing down of suspects from possible thousands to a smaller group also proves valuable.
Inducing a DNA databank would help diminish or eliminate discrimination, as it would be all-inclusive and steer clear of any majorities or minorities. Gender and racial bias would be practically eliminated. Also, having a larger databank rather than a smaller, less inclusive databank, is less costly. Privacy needn’t be an issue, as one of the main functions of the government is to maintain the privacy of its people. The simple act of collecting genetic information offers no insight into the private lives of any

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