Persuasive Essay On Cyberbully

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Reading a book with the earphone in ears on a noisy subway, and enjoying a cup of coffee with a newspaper in hands used to be the most usual and pleasing time for us to think and enjoy the peaceful moment of life. However, with the invasion of social media, more and more people spend their time on reading celebrities’ tweets, browsing instagram photos, or socializing with friends through snapchat. Social media has taken over every minute of people’s valuable time, and it has seized every aspect of people’s daily life. According to The Telegraph, “The average person has five social media accounts and spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes browsing these networks every day, accounting for 28pc of the total time spent on the internet”(Davidson). …show more content…

Social media provides the anonymity and easy access to other people, who becomes targets of bullying. People behind screens become the manipulators of the puppets, and they are able to flame others without considering any consequences. The anonymity allows people to say anything that they cannot say in the real world, and it also makes it hard to track the perpetrator. According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, cyberbully has become a common issue among high school students and it shows a trend of growth. The study shows that “It is estimated that about 2.2 million students experienced cyberbullying in 2011. Of the 9% of students that reported being cyberbullied in the National Crime Victimization Survey compared to 6.2% in 2009 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2013). The massive number of students suffering to cyber bullying brings numerous negative effects on their mental health. Some victims start to withdraw from family and friends, or lose interest in activities that they liked; others may experience dramatic change in sleeping or apatite, or even attempt to hurt themselves. As a newer form of bullying, cyber bully spread out fast with the help of social medias, which become the accomplice of the …show more content…

According to the Huffington Post, Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, used Twitter and Facebook to communicate with the public, but she also gave hackers opportunities to hack her personal email account. “In one tweet, a Palin impersonator invited followers to her home for a barbecue” (Siciliano). Even though this mischief did not cause any serious problem, it should alter public the risk for identity theft. However, hackers are not the only reason that we should be cautious about our internet security, government agencies may also secretly monitor our social medias. It may be helpful to prevent potential terrorist attacks, but it is also an invasion of our privacies. Edward Snowden, who revealed the secret surveillance programs conducted by National Security Agency, was considered a hero, and what he did and sacrificed should raise our alert. Everytime we post something online, there are always eyes behind our backs. We should always know that Uncle Sam is

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