Persuasive Essay On Cider

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It’s no secret that Central Oregon is a brewtopia for craft beers and breweries, but there’s a new beverage trending in America that’s being brewed right here in Bend as well¬––hard cider. Traditional cider is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of apples, pears, peaches and other fruit. This flavorful libation, once the beverage of choice in America, is waging a comeback.
Today, few people realize how prevalent the consumption of cider once was in America. English colonists brought the craft of cider making to the Americas in the 17th century, and hard cider promptly became the preferred beverage of the populace. Cider was held in such high esteem that apple trees for cider production were among the first fruits planted in the British colonies. And, due to the long held belief that water was unsafe for drinking (public sources of water were unsanitary in old England), cider was consumed with meals by both children and adults throughout the colonial period. The popularity of hard cider lasted well into the 19th century, when it was virtually eliminated from American ...

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