Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Motherhood is something in American life that has been an important concept for everyone, and both the "Pro-choice", supporters of woman 's rights to choose, and the "Pro-life", anti-abortionists, have looked at each other as damaging the foundations of the mother-infant tie. When going into detail about what each supporter believes in, the pro-choice supporter has the right intention for both the mother and the child. Women should have the right to make the decision for their own body, and there are even certain cases where abortion is needed like rape, children too young to give birth, or if the pregnancy negatively effects the babies health. Criminalizing abortion does not save babies it kills mothers emotionally and even physically. Abortion
They claim, the embryo or fetus is a human being, and to abort it is murder. But an embryo is not a human being, and abortion is not murder. To be "murder" an action must involve "killing." Something that was alive before the act must be dead as a result of the act. Meeting this criterion alone is insufficient reason to label something a "murder," however, because we often kill things in situations where no one would ever think of uttering the term "murder." We kill germs with disinfectants, and weeds with defoliants. We kill insects and rodents and cows and pigs and never get charged with murder. We even kill each other in accidents, in war, in self-defense and no one screams out the dreaded "m"-word. "Killing" is not the problem; we do it all the time. The embryo also cannot make a decision neither does it have any kind of conscience. “It doesn 't bear the remotest similarity to a human being. This growth of cells has the potential to become a human being—if preserved, fed, nurtured, and brought to term by the woman that it depends on” (Abortion). Just like a human being living off of life support. That person isn’t technically alive to make decisions, theyre completely depending on a machine to keep them alive. An embryo is depending on its mother to stay alive until it makes its first breath outside the womans womb. Considering this, abortion is not killing a human

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