Persuasive Essay: Is Life Really Getting Better?

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Is life really getting better? According to Matt Ridley we have everything to be thankful for and much to look forward in the future. From the Stone Age to just a few years ago we have come a long way in bettering our lives and those of world we live in. Food is becoming more available and efficient in the land that it uses; people are living longer and being able to use their time for luxurious activities instead of slaving away for survival of the individual. If we continue down this path than our future will be even better than what we can imagine now. The Rational Optimist works its way from the Stone Age and the Neanderthals to 2100 and where the future can possibly take us. Hunter-gathers had a hard time surviving because they devoted The more I contemplate this idea the more it comes into light as truth. Is this not what we do now? Kids go to college to learn a new trade that will support them for the rest of their life. This knowledge and trade is not in a multitude of areas but in one fixed field of study such as engineering, medicine, accounting, business, etc. We follow this “unwritten” way of life not just because we enjoy these fields but so that we do not have to do all that it requires for us to live. If I am an engineer than I do not want to be my own doctor, too ; I am willing to pay Dr. Pepper to diagnose my condition plus I trust his expertise and knowledge of the subject over mine.. Another point that Ridley declares and that I completely agree with is that as more technologies and advancements we develop the more new discoveries we will be able to uncover. It is an exponential curve of discovery that improves our quality of life. As I specialize in specific area I can advance technologies and inventions that will improve society or that could devise better inventions. With specialization we are able to have more free time and luxuries available to us which enables us to evolve our culture even

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