Persuasive Essay About Bullying

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Communicating with Linden can be very very difficult, also he is not potty trained. On the other hand he is very smart and can catch onto things quickly in the classroom. Linden is a very intelligent student and should never be bullied just like all students, not just autism students.
“Linden has always had a very good attitude and would never hurt a fly. He is one of the smartest students I have ever met in my life. He does exceptionally well in and out of school and has never given up. He is nonverbal meaning he can not associate with others through words and talking. He rather associates through motions or gestures. He is a very happy intelligent five year old. He has been going to Attica grade school in Attica, Indiana for three years. I am worried about him going into a public school because of the bullies and harassing of autistic students. We live in Hillsboro and taking him back and forth to Attica can be very difficult since I have a daughter that goes to Fountain Central. I would love to one day be able to send Linden to …show more content…

Bullying is a problem students, especially autistic students, face every day because it is an ongoing problem in every school around the world. In today 's age, bullying can be considered a way of life for some people; this is how they get through their day. “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one 's definition of your life; define yourself (Fierstein).” Every autistic student, whether he or she is verbal or nonverbal, should have a voice and be heard. Enforcing bullying prevention in skills is the most important act a person can do. ASD students are huge targets to bullies and for this to be stopped it starts with awareness in schools. Bullying will always be problem in schools but it is time to do the job as a citizen to eliminate as many bullying incidents as

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