Personal Statement For A Career In The Medical Field

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Personal Statement
Growing up, I had no interest in Biology, let alone working within the medical field. My father was a repair man and I wanted to continue that legacy and become an engineer. I was the kid that everyone hid screwdrivers from when I came around, because they knew I would disassemble any and every single thing I could get my hands on. Mechanical components and their interactions between one another intrigued me to the point of obsession.
It wasn’t until the summer of tenth grade that I had my initial contact with the medical field. My father had been diagnosed with Type One diabetes when he was younger, but it had always been managed well until it was exacerbated by a burn to the soles of his feet. For the first time, his mobility was impaired and it was my duty to take him to all of his various doctor appointments. Seeing the reactions from many of the hospital staff truly upset me, especially that some of them seemed to have no sympathy for my father, who was facing the prospect of losing …show more content…

It was now my duty to provide vital care on scene to patients who had no one else to help them. During this job, I also assisted in the back of the ambulance with performing CPR, managing the airways of patients and assisting with other services. After nearly a year of good performance on the job, my service offered to help me take an EMT course to reach a higher level of certification. I started the class, which took place three nights a week and on Saturdays, all while working still two nights a week as an EMR and taking a full semester of college classes. Once I obtained my EMT certification, I was the primary person in charge of patient care during most of my shifts. I was not only responsible for the help of the patient physically, but also emotionally. Through this, I always make my best attempt to provide my patients with the top care in every aspect of their

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