Personal Reflections of My Experience as Operational Manager

2673 Words6 Pages

Executive Summary
This journal is an insight on my thoughts and experiences and my own reflection of operations management and the topics in which we have looked at in both lectures and my interactive workshops. In this journal I will cover the following:
• My own experiences in relation to operations management
• A reflection on what I have learned in both lectures and tutorials
• A reflection on the extra material that we had access to from moodle.

Week 1: 30th January
During the lectures in week 1 lecture 1 we started our first topic which was Supply Chain Management. We started off by watching a video clip explaining what supply chain management is. We saw in this video that there are many chains of supply that need to take place in order for your products and services to be done. For example making a bottle of water and how many different resources you need for the product to be finished and to be transported to the location of the place where it will be sold. Another term for supply chain management is the Management of the chain of supplies. With supply chain management they need to manufacture goods and services such as hotels and their lodging experiences, dining experiences etc. in order for them to do this effectively they need to buy things such as furniture, food, soaps and towels and also manufacture things such as meals. In addition to this video clip I watched another video clip that was available to me to get a better understanding of SCM. I watched the video clip on “the PUMA supply Chain” here the majority of their products comes in from Asia through the ports of LA or long beach to their distribution centers where they then ship it out to their wholesale customers and PUMA retail stores. ...

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...recast drives the profit in the business. The following forecasting techniques are used by Hard Rock Café:
These are quantitative forecasting techniques.
• Moving Averages
• Weighted Moving Averages
• Exponential Smoothing
• Regression Analysis
These are qualitative forecasting techniques:
• Sales force Composite
• Consumer Sales
• Delphi Method
• Jury of Executive Opinion
Weighted moving averages- used to calculate the bonus been paid to managers.
40%- this year’s data
40%- last year’s data
20%- previous year’s data
New target: (40*2013) + (40*2012) + (20*2011)
Variance between what actually happened and what was forecasted to happened. This is linked into the factor rating method. Variances can be positive or negative, favorable or adverse. Data warehouse all information goes back to one place so the analysts can look at them all together. E.g. CDW- Eircom

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