Personal Narrative: My Name

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This is not a disclaimer in the sense of who in their right mind could possibly consider placing my name on the top of the list as the one person who could save the entire planet from being invaded from aliens or outright destroyed. It was all true and I was even shown the list of names of the ten men chosen and all except one had a line through it. Yes-sir-re, there it was on the top line and in bold print no less. It was the name that my momma stuck me with in all its glory. In my mind there was still hope that there was another list and someone had mistakenly placed the last list on the top of the stack. I would even understand that they hadn’t look through all the names that come before mine in the alphabet. When they placed …show more content…

How could I not when I had the best time of my entire life and I was the only one in the room she wanted to dance with me. Oh well, it was time to look for the exit or the closet window. At least a window with no one near enough to stop me from diving through and ending this perfect day. Unfortunately I was in a box with a two way mirror and sitting across a government agent who had me kidnapped me off the street like some spy movie. This included the black bag over the head, the handcuffs, and tossed in a van full of people with automatic weapons. I know what he wanted, but I had other ideas. We I might as well get this over …show more content…

You might as well move on to the next person. I’m sure they’ll just love the way you ask for help.” “I say we shoot him for treason and…” said an angry voice over the intercom from the dark. “I guess they picked you up before you got to second grade. You might want to look up the word treason and have someone sound out the letters and explain the definition. Hell, you can’t even find a traffic ticket with my name on it. as far as I’m concern, every last one of you who are involved with this mess is looking at kidnapping charges, unlawful incarceration, terrorism, and a crap load of other things that should have you afraid to pick up the soap in the showers for the next fifty years. Then and again one of you guys smell of lilacs.” When I heard a female clear her throat and cough a few times, I raised an eyebrow. “I believe we have gotten off on the wrong foot.” “If I wasn’t handcuffed, I want you to take a guess where my foot would be right now. Oh, and I want all of you to think about something as you cut me loose. If I were to agree with this drug induced hallucination, what kind of retaliation would you expect would fall on every last son-of-a-bitch involved

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