Personal Narrative: My Life In Middle School

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Before I started sixth grade I had to make a tough decision. The public middle school starts at sixth grade but the catholic school continues through sixth grade, so forcing me to choose where I was going to go. I ended up staying at St. Joseph's for the graduation ceremony and continue with my class. Later in middle school it was weird to start at seventh grade and I felt like I had to catch up to find my friends.

Middle school was also where I did a 360 change physically and mentally. Physically I got contacts to replace my glasses and I got to dress in whatever I wanted, not my dreaded school uniform. Mentally in elementary school I was very shy, seemed to get upset over the smallest things, and not have good friends. The middle school was my chance to change and I became happier by not fretting over the details and being open to new ideas and friends.

Kaitlyn van Asselt, Shanyn Boese, and Ashtynn Unruh were my first friends in middle school and have remained best friends since. Kaitlyn and …show more content…

Luckily my family’s room was in the middle which meant just half a football field to either side of the ship. It took the full vacation for me to finally figure out which side of the ship was front and back. There were 12 floors on the ship and our room was on the 7th floor with a balcony view.

The food. I am pretty sure I gained ten pounds on the food alone while on the cruise, no joke. There were two restaurants by the main pool, two side cafes, a huge buffet, a pizza parlor by the back pool, and a marvelous formal dining room. The two restaurants by the pool were Guy’s Burgers and a burrito/taco bar. The pizza parlor by the back pool served pizza 24/7 and the slices were almost a foot long. The formal dining was my favorite and I always wanted to eat dinner in there, much to my family’s dismay. I ate lobster and prime rib and some of the best desserts including warm apple and a full cherry

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