Personal Narrative: My Field Work Experience

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For the second field work experience I returned to the Crescent Hill Baptist Church after school tutoring program for young adults of the Karen ethnicity. The majority of the students were high schoolers, and from the same town in Thailand and knew each other from their hometown. A lot of the same students from my previous trip were at the after-school program, but many students attended. They all wore very similar clothing to the traditional American dress; jean, t-shirts tennis shoes. They all spoke clear and fluent English. Age and gender did not seem to be an issue within the group. All the students communicated with me and other students freely, and seemed to have a strong bond. Many of the students who were their previously remembered me, and came up to say hello. I was the only volunteer that day, and they demanded a lot of my attention. It was less awkward than the first time because there was no introduction process, and they were more open to conversation. They introduced me to the new students who came to the after-school program, and like before they were a little shy and standoffish. The girl who I helped write a memoire, showed me her paper that she got an A on, and read her final piece to me. I was still uncomfortable with the idea of …show more content…

I was more conscious of my hands when talking. They Karen culture doesn’t seem to use a lot of body language when speaking, and I even read that heavy hand motions can be offensive. I also worked on engaging more conversation with the students rather than having them approach me. The students seemed to be excited that I had returned, and had mentioned that a lot of people only come for one time, or are required to come for school, and don’t come back after the requirement. The communication barrier was kept to a minimum because of the comfort of familiarity with the students are their ability to speak clear

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