Personal Narrative: My College After Life

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Ever since I can remember, I have categorized my stages of personal development by educational stages: elementary, middle, high, and college. During those years, most of my inner thoughts were focused on building a foundation that would guide me towards who I was to become: an extraordinary being accomplishing extraordinary things. Moreover, my elemental years were spent assimilating to a new culture and playing in Wannado City, middle school years were just a detrimental life stage filled with insecurity and stagnation, high school years served as catalysts towards the life motto that has allowed me to succeed in college thus far: “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” (Coelho) However, soon enough, I will not have school grade levels to guide me through my developmental process and I will be freed into the expansive realm of the college after life. Upon entering my college years, I have realized that being passionate and strong willed are not the main key factors needed in order to pursue one’s dreams, instead, money is. A college education is the most rewarding yet expensive investment one can ever make. Unfortunately, my parents do not have the financial stability to be gift me a free college education. As a result, I am left with no choice but to …show more content…

A life where being out of my comfort zone consists of using my college degree to innovate solutions to environmental problems in distinct parts of the world, not of paying back the education I received. I envision my college after life to be somewhere culturally rich, with distinctive perspectives, and new challenges and goals for me to take in and conquer. Somewhere I can auspiciously grow, grow, and grow before it is time to venture into a new

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