Personal Narrative: Moving To San Diego

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I finally made it to the lower part of SoCal where I've been meaning to go for over three years. There's been a "thing" (not that thing like in the doo wop song) set in my mind that San Diego would put an instant smile on my face, but for some reason I never found the right excuse to take a day or weekend trip. Like geez, maybe shut up and go Jo?

Luckily, I moved to Los Angeles where I don't need much of an excuse to head down South for a break, and to top it off, one of my dearest friends moved there for grad school last year. To add to the party, my other best friend from New York came in for the weekend making it an ultimate girls' trip of splurging and purging... on the latest of the late college gossip.


I first had this impression that the Amtrak train down South would be a super cheap, until I saw $37 each way... oh hawwlllll nawww. …show more content…

A quick bus trip from Union Station got me towards downtown San Diego and just like that we were all in the middle of town hugging it out in a somewhat sketchy bus station. Travel tip: the cheaper the fare, the sketchier the stations will most likely be, unless you got a flash deal or something.

The thing about my friends is that as soon as we finish our cozy hello moment, we all think about the next best indulgent part of life: food. Like maybe a classic burritto from Lucha Libre. To give you some context, this is the kind of burrito shop that makes people wait in line for two hours to get their perfectly seasoned burritos with fries

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