Personal Narrative: How Football Changed My Life

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I can remember the summer going into my sophomore year in high school, It was late june and I had just returned home from Boston University’s Summer Challenge. My family and I, we were sitting at our dinner table and my mom asks me what I will do for the rest of my summer, I remember I replied “ I’m going to get big for football.” and my parents both smiled at me and brushed my naive answer off. After that I knew my parents were not fond of the Idea of me essentially rotting at home, a month and a half before the beginning of football season. My mom called my brother later that night as asked him if he was willing to let me live with him in his off campus apartment for a few weeks. The offer was incredibly appealing and I decided to take it …show more content…

To give me a well rounded balance, my brother also contacted one of his teammates who had recently graduated college, and was trying to become a professional athlete, anyway I remember I did not clearly communicate with the individual whom I was working out with our schedule would look like so I assumed that we would go every other day. The next day I did not think we would work out so I did not go to the practice field, but little did I know that workouts were monday through friday so I missed that one and when my brother discovered this that's when he finally let me know he was angry, the thing I was most scared about was my parents reactions, but when I spoke to them they did not even mention it to me. I am very thankful for this whole situation, because honestly without it I would have never have matured into the adult I had today. After these few occurrences, my older brother and his roommate pulled me into their room and talked to me very calmly and put life into perspective for me. This was not one of those ordinary slap on the wrist talks where the behavior is distinguished for a few days, this was a life changing talk. To give you a general overview of what they told me was, to have a good circle of

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