Personal Narrative Essay: My Favorite Day Of The Day

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Once there was a man named Bobby O’brien, and never in his life did he do work, unless he was obligated to. He claimed to be so mesmerized by work, that all he wanted to do was sit and watch others do work all day. Bobby lived with his wife, Katie and his two daughters, Elizabeth and Marsha. His family was often annoyed with him, and wished that he would at least try to get a job, or work. “Do you not find it embarrassing?” his wife exclaimed one morning, as she swept around her husband's feet. “Don’t you think you should set an example for our daughters? I don’t want them to grow up and be as lazy as you.” Bobby sighed and rolled his eyes, “Ah my wife, give me a break, it’s Sunday, we should be resting! This is my favorite day of the week, …show more content…

As Bobby opened the door, a small man strolled in, not waiting to be invited in. “As I passed by your house, I smelled something absolutely delicious, and I wanted to ask if I could join your dinner.” “I think that would be alright,” he assumed that the tiny man would only eat maybe half a bowl of soup. He sat with the family by the fire, and Katie passed him a bowl, before she could sit down, he emptied it, and requested another. He did the same with the next six bowls. “This man is so rude,” Bobby said to himself. “But I invited him in, so I must be …show more content…

Bobby pondered on what he would want to wish for, he could think of so many. He decided they needed more time to think about the wishes. “Sadly tomorrow the week will start over, and everyone will be back to work, nd won’t be able to think of what to wish. I wish we had an entire week of Sundays to take our time and figure out what to wish for.” “Idiot!” Katie exclaimed. “You wasted our wish on a week of Sundays! You should have at least wished to be smarter, so you wouldn’t have made such a stupid wish!” Bobby didn’t think it was too bad of a wish, “I have been very tired this past week imagine how much rest we could have!” Katie rolled her eyes, thinking to herself as she put the children to sleep, “My husband is so lazy, he needs to get up and get a job.” When the family woke up the next morning, he remembered how many Sundays he had before him, and he had nothing planned, he was proud of his wish and thought he was very clever. He laid around all morning, as Katie took their children to church, he didn’t choose to get out of bed, until he smelt the well-prepared chicken Katie had cooked for

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