Personal Narrative Essay: My Children's Life In The World

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According to my digital clock, it was 1 a.m. My parents’ room across the hall was dark and silent. Loud rumbles of snoring were coming from the chair that my grandpa was sleeping in. My sisters in the room over were whispering. But downstairs, I knew it was there. Stuffed into the corner of a drawer under a few of my mom’s cook books, that’s where I had hid it. I could almost imagine its sweet smell was lingering in my nose. My stomach was grumbling at the very thought of it. At this point, I strongly craved it. And in the pitch dead of night I could hear it calling my name. I was determined to go get it. My stash of Oreo cookies. I quickly jumped out of my bed and scurried to the door. As I was walking out, I bumped into my white dressing table and the picture frame leaning on top of it fell down. I picked it up and flashbacked to last summer when my sisters and I had gone to the fair. We were all holding ice cream in our hands. They each had one scoop in a cup, but I had of course, treated myself to …show more content…

My doctor suggested a full-body check up to see if anything was wrong. As we were finishing my body exam, the doctor sat me and my mom down as we waited anxiously for the results. The doctor said, “I know what might be causing this. As you can see, your daughter is not as healthy as she should be. According to our height to weight ratio she is categorized at our obese level as 25 pounds overweight. This can cause major health issues. Also, because diabetes runs in the family, she is at high risk for getting this disease. You must do something immediately.” This was the moment that marked my transition for childhood to adulthood. As soon as I heard this, I was scared. No, I was terrified. I saw the way that my dad had to give himself insulin shots because of his diabetes. I was content with myself, but because of the health risks I knew I had to do

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