Personal Narrative Essay: It's A Cold Night

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It’s a cold night. I hear the soft crunching noises of my boots as I walk through the freshly fallen snow and up the steps. My key unlocks the door. I go inside, but I am not home. Life is strange. Most of us don’t really live in our lives, we live in our future lives. It could be in a dream, a financial plan, a child’s future, a partner, tonight’s dinner. Our perspective is towards the future, not the present. We live in the foreshadowed footprints of our future selves. It’s not wrong. Maybe it’s just part of who we are. Maybe it’s supposed to be this way. But there are also those who live in the past. Stuck in a moment, frozen in time, securing a seat in our memories forever. It’s a place, a person, an event that evokes that feeling of nostalgia. …show more content…

They still search for a way each day to rekindle their past and bring it back. Their actions are based on a belief that their future can hold what their past did, if they can just find their way back. It’s quiet now. There are no sounds from the kitchen, the living room, her office. No sounds of idle television. No more clangs of dirty kitchen dishes or cell phone chimes. The sounds of the piano are gone, as are the sounds of her voice. The house is an empty shell. The ghost of a past life. A place where memories were born and will stay in my mind forever. …show more content…

Your present is your past and your present is your future. The present is all we have. It’s the only life we have that’s real. We can look back into a time that we think we once lived, and we can look forward to a future that we think we’ll live. But the only life you can ever live is right now. Look around you. Take in what you see, the people, the sounds, the smells. This is your life. It’s not ten years ago. It’s not ten minutes from now. It’s now. This life will be your past and your future. But you don’t get to live in either of those. There is no path in life. Live in the present, but realize that everything you do and say will become both your past and your future. It’s been hours now. The sun rises over the horizon and shines through the bedroom windows. I walk downstairs. My feet are no longer carried throughout the house by the same motivation. Before, I moved about under the thought that I would find him, or a piece him in something small, but that 's gone now. The floor feels colder than usual. I take my final turn in the centre of the living room. I’m sure I’ll be back, but it won’t be the same. I take in this final moment of a frozen life. My frozen

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